PAID | ONLINE LIVE SESSION (Not Pre-Recorded Session)
Export DNA's
This Short-Term Courses have been launched to address real-time challenges faced by exporters, offering solutions ranging from immediate concerns to long-term sustainability
COURSE OVERVIEWA Complete Solution for Your Export Challenges

PAID session. Going to take away with a lot of things, tactics and tips for more than you spend
Who’s it for?Our Free Online Export Sessions are tailored for
Are you Qualified, Ask YourselfBefore registering for this session
What is the importance of this Course?
This Course is defined to show how important each topic is in the export business
At what point, this course will help Export Beginners?
In Today’s Scenario, Export Beginners may be aware of Export Business from Open Platforms like YouTube or even from Other Digital Media. But, it’s not enough for them to run their exports successfully, they may lack in a few export topics. This Short Term Course will help them to learn deeper insights into that particular topic.
What will be the exact duration of this course?
The Duration of this course will be 1 or 2 Days for one particular topic. If the participants are not clear or if they need a few more case studies to understand in depth, the actual duration may be extended.
How will be your support after course completion?
Basically, for this specific topic-focused session, we’re here to help you as long as you need support on that particular subject, throughout your lifetime.
In which language this course will be conducted?
Our Courses are designed for Tamil people, so the language will be in TAMIL language and in particular, MADURAI TAMIL